Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Selamat datang di Toko Online

Nikmati kemudahan berbelanja bersama kami!
Dapatkan harga TERBAIK  Tas Kamera, Ransel dan Peralatan Outdoor Anda 


Untuk informasi dan pemesanan hubungi:
Telp : 021-59364142 / 08777 556 3990
SMS :  08129 040702
Pin BB : 310222AE

Jam Operasional : 09.00 - 17.00

E-mail :
YM : lapaktas
FB : Lapak Tas

Testimoni Pembeli
Update Harga Tas CRUMPLER
Update Harga Tas DEUTER
Update Harga Tas LOWEPRO
Update Harga Tas MANFROTTO
Update Harga Tas VANGUARD

Kamis, 29 September 2011



Originally Posted by pilotjet
thanks gans .. deuter GOGO nya sampai dengan selamat..
emank deh agan satu ini bener2 banged dah.
Next order lagi ya gan .. nunggu akhir bulan dulu ni

Klu berkenan sebagai bonusnye ane engga nolak gan
Originally Posted by bomerzz
Lapor Gan
Deuter GIGA Sudah di Terima!!

Mantap Pelayanannya!

Sory yah gan sebelom membeli saya banyak bertanya, karena bimbang pengen ambil yang tipe apa
namum berkat kesabaran agan yg terus menjawab pertanyaan saya akir nya beli juga

Thanks Berat Gan!!

Spoiler for no pic = HOAX:

besok nyusul
nanti Ditunggu kirbal nya
Originally Posted by KaiRuLie
Paket DEUTER Trans Alpine 30 warna Merah Abu-abu udh nyampe gan... horeee

cendolnya donk gan

Originally Posted by wanabie
Jam 06.15 am tadi pagi sms dari atas kreta pakuan bogor menuju duku atas
nggak pake lama tepat jam 10.20 am Trangia Mini dah nyampe dikantor ane...

barang bagus harga bagus... trully recommended seller
salam ama kurit ente sophian
sukses dagangannya gan

Originally Posted by persiparemania
bantu sundul
percaya deh ama agan ini

Originally Posted by FUinside
udah di terima gan brgnya...

pokoknya jgn ragu ma agan yg ini ...Harga murah ..Pelayanan cepat

Originally Posted by dobeltiger
terimakasih mas.
barang sudah sampai dengan oyee. hhe
deuter spyder24 sampai ke jogja. terimakasih.

Originally Posted by masguriguri
mantapp om, nih udah saya peluk2 verdonnya ..

itu yang di foto brp liter yah? syp tau saya mo bli lagi

Originally Posted by FUinside
gan..ane yg td sore cod d pkln jati..

brg dah d terima dg selamat...keren..

pokoknya jgn ragu ma agan yang satu ini..harga murah.pelayanan mantab

boleh dong gan

Originally Posted by chazphersky
Om.. lafuma verdonya mantab

ga nyesel abis COD ke tebet.. kapan-kapan saia mampir lagi ke tkp om..

Originally Posted by maxbud
vaude donald nya dah nyampe gan...
klo ada deuter kids PM ya..
Originally Posted by milky303
Deuter Promise merahnya sudah diterima gan
Beli sama agan ini ga nyesel, tasnya oke punya
hari ini transfer, besoknya udah nyampe

Makasih gan, sukses ya gan bisnisnya
Originally Posted by son2
lapor gan!!

act lite sudah sampai dengan selamat dan sangat cepat.

thanks ya
Originally Posted by eonx13
Gan Deuter cross city nya dah nyampe,,barangnya mantap gan..

Originally Posted by cimel09
Trangia ane dah nyampe dengan selamat gan di samarinda, mantep banget pelayanannya cepat tanpa basa basi...pokoknya

jangan lupa

Originally Posted by and123
waaah sip gan barangnya udah nyampe

mantep gan thx
Originally Posted by ismay

Spider Datang Dengan Selamat Ke Kota Malang.
thankyu Broo.

Originally Posted by bebihuni
Deuter nomi biru sudah kami terima. Thanks ya om.....
Originally Posted by habibieuye
sedikit testi dari ane. Tadi ane yang COD sma agan indra. Barangnya udah sampe. yang bikin ane tercengang itu barangnya dan pelayanan nya yang sangat memuaskan. Buat agan - agan yang mau bertransaksi sama agan yang satu ini ga usah ragu dan ga usah takut..pokoknya agan yang satu ini
Originally Posted by bamsrud
mantaffff gannn
brgnya dh nyampe. tengkiu gan
Originally Posted by TR4NC3
Thank you boss, relay 80L-nya da nyampe dengan selamat, indah sentosa hehe

Originally Posted by solid_gear
Sore Bos, Barang tas Lowepro Pro Runner 200 AW udah ane terima bersama Kurir ente,,,,,,,,,,,,
top markotop.... transaksi ngga sampe 1 Jam beres

Originally Posted by pandagimbal
gan, laporan............

barang sudah ditangan semua. pokoknya mantab gan.
makasi yah.

Pokoknya jangan ragu kalau mau pesan sama ELYUDIEN.
Ramah, respon cepat, packing ok.
Dan yang paling penting barangnya kualitas WAHID.

Thanks y gan.

nb: kabarin kalau Duffle Bag-nya turun harga.

Originally Posted by kawaiiruna
mo ngasih cod di TA jam 3 buat ambil Crumpler The Hilman Hunter(rabbit red) + The Chumpy(red)...
foto barang:

thx gan
Originally Posted by

MANTAP GAN Barangnya !!!

stockhlom 110 & hard case tiba dengan selamat di kota malang.
sore transaksi +ane transfer uangnya, eh ... besok malamnya udah dianter JNE ke rumah ... hehehe...
gbr lg lelet uploadnya

buat agan2 yg mau belanja gak sah ragu,

agan satu ini bener- bener ....

makasih ya gan udah dikirim lwt JNE paket Yes... ane jg mau gan cendolnya...
Originally Posted by dobeltiger

terimakasih mas. terimakasih lagi..
barang sudah sampai dengan oyee.
deuter GIGANT sampai ke jogja. terimakasih.

hhe saya sudah pesan 2 kali sama agan yang satu ini.. dan.

Originally Posted by SouvenirOrigami
Hati2 dg seller yg satu ini.. Jangan sampai pengalaman ane ambil :

Deuter Trans Alpine 30

Terulang kembali..

Spoiler for :
Nii seller responsif banget.. sms langsung dibales. Padahal tadinya ane mau ambil dari seller lain
(sms gak respon, telp juga gak diangkat )..

Gilanya lagi harganya lebih murah 200rb dari seller tersebut..
Ampir aja ane kena tipu..

Pesen siang besoknya langsung dianter "ON TIME" pula..
Duid dibayar ditempat ane..


Penampakannya lihat aja sendiri di web resminya..
Originally Posted by rwnhaji
Crumpler The All And Sundry nya sudah saya terima Bro.. saya pikir besok tapt ternyata barusan saya terima...
tks ya Bro....
jangan lupa cendol ya Bro... niah aku kirimin cendol duluan
Originally Posted by dewa230388
Gan, pesanan ane Lowepro Cirrus TLZ 15 udah sampe dengan selamat di rumah ane...

Ini buktinya :

Spoiler for bukti:

Originally Posted by cRaZyv0id
Thanks gan, groden 30L nya dah nyampe tadi,pelayanannya ramah dan cepet banget responsnya,pesen siang eh malemnya langsung dianter ampe rumah lagi,,puas banget begitu liat barangnya,sesuai ama di web dan dijamin ori deh!!!RECOMMEND SELLER banget nih!!!
Originally Posted by waraney
Gan, Deuter Traveller 55 + 10 SL udah sampe di Manado setelah COD-an di Kelapa Gading kemaren dulu. Thx.
Originally Posted by octrisany
lapor gan ..
charger pesenan ane dah nyampe dengan selamat barusan ..
packing manteb , rapih , TOP bgt dah ,,
pelayanannya juga TOP abis ,, ane tanya tanya di PM dibales terus
untuk harga emang gk diragukan lagi ,, ane muter muter nyari yg paling murah ktmunya disini ..

oia kmarin maap ya kurang seribu , untung om ELYUDIEN baik hati ..
maksih gann

Dengan ini ane nyatakan agan ELYUDIEN sebagai ..


sukses terus ya jualanya ,,

oiya skalian nanya , ini baterenya kudu dicas dolo ga gan ?

cek CP dolo gan ada ijo ijo

Originally Posted by kalmura
lapoor pak EL....

sudah sampai kemarin Deuter Traveller 55+10 SL & National Geographic 2476

dengan selamat sentosa...

kedua kalinya ane transaksi ama agan EL nich...

dan sejauh ini beliau adalah penjual



jangan ragu ama reputasinya

ketika sms pending beliau langsung nelp
pertama gak gw angkat krena nomornya beda

barang nya berkualitas deh "karena harga gak pernah bohong"

pokoknya senang bertransaksi dengan anda

sukses terus pak EL

pertahankan pelayanan anda


Salam Ransel,
Kami tawarkan berbagai macam type, ukuran dan penggunaan ransel untuk kebutuhan keseharaian.
Kondisi Baru dan Original.

Kontak kami untuk cek ketersediaan dan ongkir ke lokasi Anda
Telp : 021-59364142 / 08777 556 3990
SMS :  08129 040702
Pin BB : 310222AE

Jam Operasional : 09.00 - 17.00 WIB 
E-mail :
YM : lapaktas

Transfer semua biaya (harga tas+ongkos kirim)
dan konfirmasi via E-mail/SMS/Telpon.
Setelah barang dikirim akan kami informasikan nomer resi pengiriman.


Type : Deuter AC Lite 14
Volume : 14 litre
Weight : 860 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Contoured, softly padded shoulder straps.
- Durable spring steel frame
- The mesh back provides comfort and top class ventilation
- Ventilated pads made of bilaminate foam

Type : Deuter AC Lite 18
Volume : 18 litre
Weight : 900 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Contoured, softly padded shoulder straps.
- Durable spring steel frame
- The mesh back provides comfort and top class ventilation
- Ventilated pads made of bilaminate foam

Type : Deuter AC Lite 22
Volume : 22 litre
Weight : 930 gram
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Contoured, softly padded shoulder straps.
- Durable spring steel frame provides a flexible and light structure
- Ventilated pads made of bilaminate foam

Type : Deuter ACT Lite 35+10 SL
Volume : 35 litre
Weight : 1450 gram
Material: Duratex-Lite
Catagory: Treking / Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Pocket lid with front pocket and valuables pocket
- Compression straps
- Elastic cord attachment
- Inner separator pocket
- Double bottom and X-frame
- Drinking system compatible (bladder not included)

Type : Deuter ACT Lite 40+10
Volume : 40 litre
Weight : 1500 g
Material: Duratex-Lite
Catagory: Treking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Vari-Quick Harness System
- Hollow-Core Aluminum "X" Stays
- Hydration Compatible
- Interior Valuables Pocket
- Divided Main Compartment
- External Shock Cord Attachment

Type : Deuter ACT Lite 45+10 SL
Volume : 45 litre
Weight : 1480 gram
Material: Duratex-Lite
Catagory: Treking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Vari-Quick Harness System
- Hollow-Core Aluminum "X" Stays
- Hydration Compatible
- Interior Valuables Pocket
- Divided Main Compartment
- External Shock Cord Attachment

Type : Deuter ACT Lite 50+10
Volume : 50 litre
Weight : 1580 g
Material: Duratex-Lite
Catagory: Treking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Adjustable VariQuick Shoulder Harness
- Bottom Compartment Access with Internal Zip Divider
- Large Front Stretch Stuff-it Pocket
- Hollow-core Aluminum "X" Stays
- Hydration Compatible
- Top and Bottom Lid Pockets

Type : Deuter ACT Lite 60+10
Volume : 60 litre
Weight : 1680 g
Material: Duratex-Lite
Catagory: Treking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack.
- Breathable padding with special ventilating hollow chamber foam
- The anatomically shaped hip fins are made from multiple layers
- The anatomic profiled X-frame offers a balance of torsional rigidity
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining.
- Vari-Quick system for easy adjustment to any back length.
- Tall people can enjoy a perfect fit with Extra Long EL

Type : Deuter ACT Trail 28 SL
Volume : 28 litre
Weight : 1300 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color : stone-black & lava-orange
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining
- Additional ventilation channel between the Aircontact cushions
- Two Aircontact pads

Type : Deuter ACT Trail 32
Volume : 32 litre
Weight : 1350 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color : anthracite-moss & granite-black
Detail :
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack.
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining.
- Additional ventilation channel between the Aircontact cushions
- Two Aircontact pads

Type : Deuter Aircontact 40+10 SL
Volume : 40 litre
Weight : 1080 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack.
- Breathable padding with special ventilating
- The anatomically shaped hip fins are made from multiple layers

Type : Deuter Aircontact 45+10
Volume : 45 litre
Weight : 2350 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Tracking / Mountain Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Anatomic hip fins with compression straps for perfect load control
- Inside map pocket lower compartment with half-moon zipper
- Daisy chain
- bottom rain cover included
- hydration system compatible

Type : Aircontact 50 + 10 SL
Volume : 50 litre
Weight : 1580 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack.
- Breathable padding with special ventilating
- The anatomically shaped hip fins are made from multiple layers

Type : Aircontact 55 + 10
Volume : 55 litre
Weight : 2580 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Tracking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- energy saving comfort due to the anatomically shaped and pivoting Vari Flex hip fins
- Pull-Forward hip belt buckle, easy to fasten even when heavily laden
- Stable multi-chamber aluminium X-frame transfers load to the hip belt
- Head moulding and positionable lid pocket with compression strap allow freedom of head movement
- Integrated detachable rain cover

Type : Aircontact 60 + 10 SL
Volume : 60 litre
Weight : 2650 g
Material: Deuter-Duratex
Catagory: Trekking
Price :
Color : granite-silver & midnight-storm
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack
- Breathable padding with special ventilating hollow chamber foam
- The anatomically shaped hip fins
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining
- The anatomic profiled X-frame

Type : Aircontact 65 + 10
Volume : 65 litre
Weight : 2800 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack.
- Breathable padding with special ventilating
- The anatomically shaped hip fins are made from multiple layers
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining.

Type : Aircontact 75+10
Volume : 75+10 litre
Weight : 3100 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Hiking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Energy saving comfort due to the anatomically shaped and pivoting, doubly reinforced Vari Flexhip fins, - which follow your every move
- Precise load control due to compression straps on hip fins
- New stable multi-chamber aluminum X-frame transfers load to the hip belt
- Hydration system compatible side bellows pockets
- Ice axe loop
- Integrated detachable rain cover

Type : Aircontact Pro 50+15
Volume : 50+15 litre
Weight : 2900 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Hiking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Vari Fit system with stepless adjustment to any back length for the perfect fit
- Pull-forward hip belt adjustment
- Quick access through the front zip opening
- SOS label
- Outer tent pole pockets etc
- Detachable integrated rain cover

Type : Aircontact Pro 55+15 SL
Volume : 55+15 litre
Weight : 2950 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Hiking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Vari-Flex system with stepless adjustment to any back length for the perfect fit
- Durable 3DD Airmesh back system overall lining wicks away warmth and moisture
- Two ergonomically formed V-shape multi-chamber aluminium
- Breathable cushion with ventilating Aircontact technology

Type : Aircontact Pro 60+15
Volume : 60+15 litre
Weight : 3200 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Hiking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The ‘pull-forward’ function makes the hip belt easy to fasten
- Breathable cushion with ventilating Aircontact technology.
- Height adjustable load transfer straps on the shoulder straps for precision pack positioning.
- Two ergonomically formed V-shape multi-chamber aluminium stays

Type : Aircontact Pro 65+15 SL
Volume : 65+15 litre
Weight : 3050 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Vari-Flex system with stepless adjustment to any back length for the perfect fit
- Quick access through the front zip opening
- Outer tent-pole pockets
- Detachable integrated rain cover
- Breathable cushion with ventilating Aircontact technology

Type : Aircontact Pro 70 + 15
Volume : 70 + 15 litre
Weight : 3300 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Vari-Flex system with stepless adjustment to any back length for the perfect fit
- SOS label
- Outer tent-pole pockets
- Detachable integrated rain cover
- Durable 3DD AirMesh back system overall lining wicks away warmth and moisture
- Two ergonomically formed V-shape multi-chamber aluminium

Type : Ascent 60
Volume : 60 litre
Weight : 3700 gram
Catagory: Adventure Holyday/Business Trip
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- low overall weight
- inner and outer mounted
- ockable main compartment zip
- sturdy construction with solid full-sized
- large main compartment with mesh pockets and luggage stabiliser straps

Type : Creed 18
Volume : 18 litre
Weight : 650 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Daypack
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Air Stripes back system
- Anatomic, padded shoulder straps
- Internal valuables compartment
- Wet clothing pocket

Type : Cross City
Volume : 28 litre
Weight : 990 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking / Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back ventilation system
- Anatomically shaped shoulder straps
- Large, folder-compatible main compartment
- Additional front pocket with organiser
- Integrated sturdy padded 15.4-inch laptop compartment
- Helmet holder

Type : Fox 30
Volume : 30 litre
Weight : 1240 gram
Material: Ballistic
Catagory: Hiking/Kids/Family
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Vari-Quick harness allows quick, easy adjustment of torso length for kid's growing frame
- Back panel features "chimney" style twin vertical 3D air-mesh foam pads
- Contoured, padded shoulder straps are lined with 3D air-mesh for breathability
- Top loading main compartment
- Hydration-compatible design features reservoir pocket and drink tube exit port for on-the-go hydration (reservoir sold separately)

Type : Futura 22
Volume : 22 litre
Weight : 1260 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Softly padded shoulder straps
- Special suspended mesh provides convincing back ventilation

Type : Futura 24 SL
Volume : 24 litre
Weight : 1500 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- The special suspended mesh provides convincing back ventilation
- Softly padded shoulder straps

Type : Futura 26
Volume : 26 litre
Weight : 1550 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking / Mountain Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Ergonomically formed and soft
- Wide Air-Mesh offers fantastic carrying comfort
- spacious pocket for valuables or digicam on the waist belt
- anatomically shaped Wide Air-Meshshoulder straps with load stabiliser straps
- wet clothes pocket
- rain cover

Type : Futura 28
Volume : 28 litre
Weight : 1300 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking/Mountain Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Softly padded shoulder straps
- Special suspended mesh provides convincing back ventilation

Type : Futura 30 SL
Volume : 30 litre
Weight : 1580 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking / Mountain Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Ergonomically formed and soft
- Wide Air-Mesh offers fantastic carrying comfort
- spacious pocket for valuables or digicam on the waist belt
- anatomically shaped Wide Air-Meshshoulder straps with load stabiliser straps
- wet clothes pocket
- rain cover

Type : Futura 32
Volume : 32 litre
Weight : 1600 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking / Mountain Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Ergonomically formed and soft
- Wide Air-Mesh offers fantastic carrying comfort
- spacious pocket for valuables or digicam on the waist belt
- anatomically shaped Wide Air-Meshshoulder straps with load stabiliser straps
- wet clothes pocket
- rain cover

Type : Futura PRO 34 SL
Volume : 34 litre
Weight : 1700 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking / Mountain Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Contoured, softly padded shoulder straps
- The round, durable spring steel frame is extremely lightweight and flexible
- Side compression strap
- The System is a fantastic comfort combination
- Ultra-flat shoulder strap anchor

Type : Futura Vario 50+10
Type : Futura Vario 50+10
Volume : 50 litre
Weight : 2100 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Treking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Deuter Aircomfort Futura Vario System
- More compact hip fins with Pull-Forward adjusters are easy to tighten even with a heavy load
- Waist belt padding in bilaminate foam with PE stiffening for added comfort and stability
- Anatomically shaped shoulder straps with stabilizer straps
- Bottom compartment with removable compartment separator
- Wet clothing compartment

Type : Giga Office

Volume : 30 litreWeight : 1200 gram
Material: MacroLite
Catagory: Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Laptop Compartment with Double Padding on Base and Sides (up to 17in.)
- Divided Compartment for Computer Accessories
- Max Laptop Size :36 x 30 cm (17')
- Airstripes Back System

Type : Giga Office Pro
Volume : 32 litre
Weight : 1350 gram
Material: Macrolite
Catagory: Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- divided compartment for computer accessories
- removable, padded 15,4” laptop bag with grab handle and laptop accessories pocket
- detachable hip belt
- separate stow pocket

Type : Gigant

Volume : 32 litre
Weight : 1110 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back ventilation system
- Compartment for laptop
- Large, file compatible main compartment
- Internal document pocket

Type : Giga flat 17

Volume : 23 litre
Weight : 1220 gram
Material: MacroLite
Catagory: Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Flatter Giga model for laptop plus essentials
- Fixed, integrated 17-inch laptop compartment with thick padding
- Shoulder strap cover
- Two grab handles: top and side

Type : Giga

Volume : 28 litre
Weight : 1000 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes System
- Laptop Compatible (35 x 28 cm max)
- Sternum Strap
- Side mesh pockets

Type : Gogo
Volume : 25 litre
Weight : 640 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Travelling/Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back system
- Ergonomic shoulder straps
- Large, folder-compatible main compartment

Type : Groden 30 SL
Volume : 30 litre
Weight : 1150 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color : granite-fire & skygrey-graphite
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline
- Contoured, softly padded shoulder straps
- Durable spring steel frame
- The mesh back provides comfort and top class ventilation: the hot air dissipates freely from three sides.
- Ventilated pads made of bilaminate foam

Type : Groden 35
Volume : 35 litre
Weight : 1200 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color : pine-granite, granite-fire & silver-black
Detail :
- Contoured, softly padded shoulder straps
- Durable spring steel frame
- The mesh back provides comfort and top class ventilation: the hot air dissipates freely from three sides.
- Ventilated pads made of bilaminate foam

Type : Kid Comfort 1
Volume : 14 litre
Weight : 2480 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Kid Carrier
Price :
Color : orange-mocha
Detail :
- versatile and affordable child carrier with terrific ventilation
- new stable frame construction
- revised carrying system
- super comfortable waist belts

Type : Kid Comfort 2
Volume : 18 litre
Weight : 2950 g
Material: Deuter-Ballistic
Catagory: Kid Carrier
Price :
Color : fire-titan & titan-anthracite
Detail :
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack
- Breathable padding with special ventilating hollow chamber foam
- The anatomically shaped hip fins
- Head molding provides freedom of head movement
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining
- The anatomic profiled X-frame

Type : Kid Comfort 3
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 3450 g
Material: Deuter-Ballistic
Catagory: Kid Carrier
Price :
Color : black-stone
Detail :
- Stabiliser straps allow optimal positioning of the backpack
- Breathable padding with special ventilating hollow chamber foam
- The anatomically shaped hip fins
- Head molding provides freedom of head movement
- Contoured shoulder straps with 3D Air mesh lining
- The anatomic profiled X-frame

Type : Waldfuchs
Volume : 10 litre
Weight : 360 gram
Material: Deuter-Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Kids
Price :
Color :
Detail :
New colours guarantee fresh adventures in the forest or kindergarten. As with all Deuter children’s backpacks, each of the functions is as easy as 1-2-3 for children to use – the front pocket can even be opened with gloves on!

Type : Madchen 20
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 570 gram
Material: polyester
Catagory: Daypack
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back system
- Chest waist belt is removable
- Side mesh pockets

Type : Nomi
Volume : 16 litre
Weight : 780 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Daypack
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- System back Deuter Airstripes
- Anatomical soft adjustable shoulder strap
- Side mesh pockets
- Easy access to main compartment with U-shaped zipper

Type : Neo Belt I
Volume :
Weight : 80 gram
Material: Neoprene
Catagory: Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Lightweight and look top rate
- Zipped main compartment
- Cable duct for headphones

Type : Organizer Belt
Volume : 1.8 litre
Weight : 160 gram
Material: MacroLite
Catagory: Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Main compartment
- Zipped mesh inner pocket
- Adjustable belt

Type : Pace 20
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 600 gram
Catagory: Ski Racing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- SOS label
- 3M reflectors at the front and back
- Hydration tube fastening on the shoulder strap
- Ice axe and crampon fastening options

Type : Promise 20 L
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 850 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Travelling / Daypack
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back system
- Anatomic padded shoulder straps
- Wet clothing compartment

Type : Spectro AC 28 SL 
Volume : 28 litre
Weight : 1060 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color : platin-fire & platin-ice
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline
- Anatomically formed shoulder straps
- Twin-frame construction
- Load adjustor straps
- Anatomically shaped, sturdy hip fins

Type : Spectro AC 32 
Volume : 32 litre
Weight : 1080 g
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Hiking
Price :
Color : platin-apple & platin-granite
Detail :
- Anatomically formed shoulder straps
- Twin-frame construction
- Load adjustor straps
- Anatomically shaped, sturdy hip fins

Type : Quantum 55+10
Volume : 55 litre
Weight : 2750 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Vari-Quick Adjustable Shoulder Harness
- Internal Stays for Heavy Load Support
- Integrated, Detachable Transport/Rain Cover
- Top/Lid, Bottom, and Large Front Panel Access
- Contoured, Padded Shoulder Straps with 3D AirMesh

Type : Quantum 70+10
Volume : 70 litre
Weight : 3000 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Trekking / Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Vari-Quick Adjustable Shoulder Harness
- Internal Stays for Heavy Load Support
- Integrated, Detachable Transport/Rain Cover
- Top/Lid, Bottom, and Large Front Panel Access
- Contoured, Padded Shoulder Straps with 3D AirMesh

Type : Relay 40
Volume : 40 litre
Weight : 1000 gram
Catagory: Sport/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Large main opening
- Lockable main compartment zip with padlock anchor
- Easy loading using the two grab handles at the ends

Type : Relay 60
Volume : 60 litre
Weight : 1360 gram
Catagory: Sport/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Large main opening
- Lockable main compartment zip with padlock anchor
- Easy loading using the two grab handles at the ends

Type : Relay 80
Volume : 80 litre
Weight : 1480 gram
Catagory: Sport/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Large main opening
- Lockable main compartment zip with padlock anchor
- Easy loading using the two grab handles at the ends

Type : Spider 24
Volume : 24 litre
Weight : 780 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Wet clothing compartment
- Side mesh pockets for storage
- Airstripes back system to provide comfort, stability and support

Type : Spider 30
Volume : 30 litre
Weight : 760 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Hiking/Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes carrying system
- Contoured, padded shoulder straps with chest strap
- Wet clothing compartment

Type : Tension 20
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 900 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Travelling / Daypack
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back system
- Anatomic padded shoulder straps
- Wet clothing compartment
- Spacious organizer and the front and side pockets store the daily business

Type : Traveller 55+10 SL
Volume : 55 litre
Weight : 3000 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Concealable carry system with Vari-Quick
- X-frame and anatomically shaped hip belt making heavy loads easy to carry
- Large detachable and drink system compatible daypack with ventilated back
- Three carry handles

Type : Traveller 70+10
Volume : 70 litre
Weight : 3200 gram
Material: Duratex
Catagory: Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Concealable carry system with Vari-Quick
- X-frame and anatomically shaped hip belt making heavy loads easy to carry
- Large detachable and drink system compatible daypack with ventilated back
- Three carry handles
- luggage stabilisers inside

Type : Travel Belt
Volume : 4.5 litre
Weight : 360 gram
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Travelling
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Adjustable, stow-away hip fins
- Large zipped main compartment with small wet laundry compartment
- Zipped mesh inner pocket
- Key Hook


Type : Bike 1
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 850 gram
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- 3D AirMesh lined shoulder straps.
- Breathable Mesh wings on the hip belt stabilize the load.
- Two contour-shaped layers
- Flexible aluminium stays
- Rain Cover

Type : Bike 1 SL
Volume : 18 litre
Weight : 790 gram
Material: Microrip
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Stowaway helmet holder
- Internal separation pocket
- Interior valuables pocket with mobile phone pocket
- Compression straps

Type : Cross Air 20 EXP
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 1120 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking

Color :
Detail :
- Hiking pole attchment
- Wet laundry compartment
- Loop for safety light
- Hydration system straps
- Maximum ventilation

Type : Cross City
Volume : 28 litre
Weight : 990 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking / Office
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back ventilation system
- Anatomically shaped shoulder straps
- Large, folder-compatible main compartment
- Additional front pocket with organiser
- Integrated sturdy padded 15.4-inch laptop compartment
- Helmet holder

Type : Compact 8
Volume : 8 litre
Weight :
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes Back System
- Expandable Main Compartment
- Highly Breathable Mesh Shoulder Straps with Anti-chafe Pads
- Helmet/Jacket Stuff-it Pocket

Type : Compact EXP 10 SL
Volume : 10 litre
Weight : 810 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- Hydration system compatible with bladder compartment
- Bike pump sleeve
- Velcro sealed drinking tube channel

Type : Compact EXP 12
Volume : 12 litre
Weight : 850 gram
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Mesh shoulder straps, mesh hip fins with two zipped mesh pockets and Airstripes back system for all-round ventilation
- Hydration system compatible with bladder compartment, Velcro sealed tube channels and mouthpiece holder
- Bike pump compartment
- Stretch mesh compartment for jacket or helmet
- Stow-away helmet flap and rain cover

Type : Hydro Lite 3.0
Volume : 4 litre
Weight : 540 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- 3D AirMesh lined shoulder straps
- Breathable Mesh wings
- Two contour-shaped layers

Type : Race 
Volume : 10 litre
Weight : 520 gram
Material: Super-Polytex
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Airstripes back ventilation
- Anatomically formed mesh shoulder straps with an easy to adjust chest strap
- Hip belt with mesh wings
- Valuables pocket inside

Type : Race X
Volume : 12 litre
Weight : 600 gram
Material: Ballistic
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Aircomfort Back System
- Highly Breathable Mesh Shoulder Straps
- Interior valuables pocket
- Deuter Airstripe profiles with mesh lining ensure maximum air circulation and stability

Type : Race X Air
Volume : 18 litre
Weight : 650 gram
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Aircomfort Back System
- Highly Breathable Mesh Shoulder Straps
- Stowaway Helmet Holder
- Highly Breathable Mesh Shoulder Straps with Anti-chafe Pads

Type : Race Exp Air
Volume : 12 litre
Weight : 950 gram
Material: Microrip-Nylon
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- with airy mesh shoulder straps
- easily adjustable chest strap
- fold-away helmet flap
- wet laundry compartment
- loop for safety light
- rain cover

Type : Speed Lite 20
Volume : 20 litre
Weight : 530 gram
Material: Ripstop 210
Catagory: Biking/Hiking/Climbing
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- A close fitting padded back with comfortable breathable 3D Air Mesh
- Removable waist belt and chest belt
- Tensioned Delrin® U Frame provides exceptional flexibility at very lightweight

Type : Trans Alpine 25
Volume : 25 litre
Weight : 1150 gram
Material: Ballistic
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- dividable main compartment
- Airstripes back
- Soft-Edge comfort straps
- Neoprene helmet holder
- light-coloured lining for a better contents overview
- rain cover

Type : Trans Alpine 26 SL
Volume : 26 litre
Weight : 1160 gram
Material: Ballistic
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- The SL version is a specific fit for women or a slimline.
- 3D AirMesh lined shoulder straps
- Two contour-shaped layers of knobbly foam with AirMesh lining

Type : Trans Alpine 30
Volume : 30 litre
Weight : 1230 gram
Material: Ballistic
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- 3D AirMesh lined shoulder straps
- Two contour-shaped layers of knobbly foam with AirMesh lining

Type : Trans Alpine 32 EL
Volume : 32 litre
Weight : 1260 gram
Material: Ballistic
Catagory: Biking
Price :
Color :
Detail :
- Soft-Edge comfort straps
- padded edges on the mesh wings and zipped mesh pockets
- load adjustor straps
- dividable main compartment
- safety light loop
- rain cover

Type : Deuter Water Bladder/Streamer
1 Liter
2 Liter 

3 Liter

Update Price List Deuter

AC Aera 22 SL    Rp685,000
AC Aera 24    Rp685,000
AC Aera 28 SL    Rp715,000
AC Aera 30    Rp715,000
AC Lite 14    Rp500,000
AC Lite 18    Rp525,000
AC Lite 22    Rp580,000
ACT Lite 35+10 SL    Rp1,035,000
ACT Lite 40+10     Rp1,055,000
ACT Lite 45+10 SL     Rp1,090,000
ACT Lite 50+10    Rp1,115,000
ACT Trail 20 SL    Rp755,000
ACT Trail 24    Rp780,000
ACT Trail 28 SL    Rp835,000
ACT Trail 32    Rp855,000
ACT Trail 38 EL    Rp930,000
Aircontact 40+10 SL    Rp1,365,000
Aircontact 45+10    Rp1,390,000
Aircontact 50 + 10 SL    Rp1,465,000
Aircontact 55+10    Rp1,490,000
Aircontact 60 + 10 SL     Rp1,540,000
Aircontact 65 + 10    Rp1,625,000
Aircontact 75+10    Rp1,750,000
Aircontact Pro 55+15 SL    Rp1,775,000
Aircontact Pro 60+15    Rp1,875,000
Aircontact Pro 65+15 SL    Rp1,900,000
Aircontact Pro 70+15    Rp1,975,000
Attack 18 SL    Rp1,265,000
Attack 20    Rp1,265,000
Appear    Rp375,000
Attend    Rp375,000
Bike One 18 SL    Rp540,000
Bike One 20    Rp550,000
Carry out S    Rp400,000
Carry out    Rp475,000
Chalk Bag I    Rp175,000
Chalk Bag II    Rp200,000
Climber    Rp475,000
Compact Air EXP 10    Rp680,000
Compact Air EXP 8 SL    Rp680,000
Compact Exp 10 SL    Rp600,000
Compact EXP 12    Rp625,000
Cross Air 20 EXP    Rp640,000
Cross Bike 18    Rp450,000
Cruise 28 SL    Rp855,000
Cruise 30    Rp855,000
City Light    Rp290,000
Creed    Rp530,000
Cross City    Rp578,000
Escape I     Rp230,000
Escape II    Rp260,000
Flight Cover    Rp320,000
First Aid kit S    Rp230,000
First Aid kit M    Rp240,000
First Aid kit Dry M    Rp265,000
Fox 30    Rp635,000
Fox 40    Rp675,000
Freerider 24 SL    Rp780,000
Freerider 26    Rp770,000
Freerider Pro 28 SL    Rp1,015,000
Freerider Pro 30    Rp1,015,000
Futura 20 SL    Rp685,000
Futura 22    Rp685,000
Futura 24 SL    Rp835,000
Futura 26     Rp835,000
Futura 28    Rp715,000
Futura 30 SL     Rp875,000
Futura 32    Rp895,000
Futura Pro 34 SL    Rp965,000
Futura Pro 38    Rp965,000
Futura Pro 42    Rp1,015,000
Futura Pro 40 EL    Rp1,015,000
Futura Vario 45 + 10 SL    Rp1,265,000
Futura Vario 50+10    Rp1,315,000
Gogo    Rp380,000
Giga 28    Rp555,000
Giga Office    Rp691,000
Giga Office Pro 32 L    Rp780,000
Giga Flat 15    Rp559,000
Giga Flat 17    Rp715,000
Gigant 32    Rp630,000
Giga Bike    Rp755,000
Grant    Rp705,000
Grant Pro    Rp1,005,000
Grant Flight    Rp1,315,000
GRODEN 30 SL    Rp605,000
GRODEN 35    Rp630,000
Guide Lite 28+SL    Rp755,000
Guide Lite 32+    Rp755,000
Guide 30+SL    Rp975,000
Guide 35+    Rp975,000
Guide 40+SL    Rp1,065,000
Guide 45+    Rp1,115,000
Helion 60    Rp2,150,000
Helion 80    Rp2,275,000
Junior    Rp320,000
KC deluxe Raincover    Rp185,000
Kids    Rp280,000
Kid Comforth I    Rp1,465,000
Kid Comforth II    Rp1,625,000
Kid Comforth III    Rp1,975,000
Kikki    Rp325,000
Light Drypack 1    Rp115,000
Light Dry pack 3    Rp130,000
Light Drypack 8    Rp145,000
Light Dry pack  15    Rp165,000
Light Dry pack 25    Rp175,000
Light Dry pack 40    Rp240,000
Load    Rp500,000
Montana Geiter L    Rp320,000
Nomi    Rp325,000
Operate I    Rp655,000
Operate II    Rp705,000
Operate III    Rp755,000
Pace  20    Rp510,000
Pace 28 SL    Rp680,000
Pace 30    Rp680,000
Pannier    Rp555,000
Pannier Sling    Rp400,000
Pannier City    Rp350,000
Quantum 55+10 SL    Rp1,465,000
Quantum 70+10    Rp1,515,000
Race     Rp425,000
Race X    Rp440,000
Race EXP Air     Rp550,000
Relay 30    Rp475,000
Relay 40    Rp555,000
Relay 60    Rp680,000
Relay 80    Rp755,000
Rise 26    Rp855,000
Rise 30+SL    Rp955,000
Rise 32+    Rp955,000
Roadway    Rp370,000
Rope Bag    Rp340,000
Spider    Rp500,000
SUB 28    Rp540,000
Schmusebar    Rp305,000
Superbike 14 EXP SL    Rp705,000
Superbike 18 EXP     Rp730,000
Speed lite 10    Rp375,000
Speed lite 15    Rp390,000
Speed lite 20    Rp500,000
Spectro AC 26 SL    Rp830,000
Spectro AC 30    Rp835,000
Spectro AC 32 SL    Rp845,000
Spectro AC 36    Rp875,000
Streamer 2 Liter    Rp350,000
Streamer 3 Liter    Rp375,000
Streamer Thermo Bag 3 Liter    Rp200,000
Streamer Tube Insulator    Rp200,000
Streamer  Tube Brush    Rp200,000
Sun Roof & Rain cover    Rp220,000
Raincover Mini     Rp170,000
Raincover I (20-35 L)    Rp185,000
Raincover II    Rp195,000
Raincover III    Rp210,000
Raincover  Square    Rp180,000
Transport Cover    Rp400,000
Tramp 90    Rp1,165,000
Tramp 110    Rp1,265,000
Trans Alpine 25    Rp785,000
Trans Alpine 26 SL    Rp785,000
Trans Alpine 30    Rp835,000
Trans Alpine 32 EL    Rp930,000
Trans Alpine Pro 24 SL    Rp1,055,000
Trans Alpine Pro 28    Rp1,055,000
Traveller 55+10 SL    Rp1,625,000
Traveller 70+10    Rp1,725,000
Traveller 80 + 10    Rp1,825,000
Ultra Bike    Rp300,000
Xeno 70    Rp1,925,000
Xeno 90    Rp2,025,000
Zea    Rp330,000
Zugspitze 20 SL    Rp575,000
Zugspitze 25    Rp575,000
Waldfuchs    Rp290,000
WASH BAG I    Rp155,000
WASH BAG II    Rp190,000
WASH Center  I    Rp230,000
WASH Center II    Rp275,000
WASH Room    Rp290,000
Wash Bag Lite    Rp110,000
Wash Bag Tour I    Rp125,000
Wash Bag Tour II    Rp140,000
Wash Bag Tour III    Rp150,000
Wash Bag I Kids    Rp165,000
Wash Bag Roll    Rp200,000
Wizard    Rp290,000
Wizard Light    Rp300,000
Deuter BELT  
Belt I    Rp160,000
Belt II    Rp190,000
Neo Belt I    Rp200,000
Neo Belt II    Rp230,000
Organizer Belt    Rp200,000
Travel Belt    Rp300,000
Pulse One    Rp180,000
Pulse Two    Rp200,000
Pulse Three    Rp300,000
Pulse Four EXP    Rp340,000
Phone Bag I    Rp145,000
Phone Bag II    Rp150,000
Security Wallet I    Rp120,000
Security Wallet II    Rp140,000
Security Holster    Rp180,000
Security Money Belt    Rp150,000
Camera Case I    Rp145,000
Camera Case II    Rp150,000
Camera Case III    Rp200,000